About Me

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My Name is Jamey, I'm from North Carolina but currently live in Colorado. I like to play basketball also my guitar sing and write songs. Writing songs for me is a way to just let go of everything and get lost in the words and thoughts, Put it down and out there to express myself. Basketball helps me to get all of the stress out of my mind and lets me calm down and get lost into the game. I'm a pretty easy going person that's very easy to get along with. The reason I have decided to start a blog is to mainly write reviews on products and also share my interests in things that i find and enjoy, new and older products Please take some time to view my posts and leave comments if you would like Thanks

Friday, December 2, 2011

How to Write an Ezine Article

Ezine articles are an excellent way to market your business to a targeted audience. Marketing experts have found that ezine articles can be used to establish yourself as an expert in your field, draw in prospective customers and prompt them to buy.

For those who enjoy writing, a simple ezine article may not seem like a complex task. However, for the rest of us, article writing can be an intimidating endeavor. This article will provide five tips for making the most of your ezine article. Choose a Topic The first step is to choose a specific topic to write about. The topic should be related to your business and designed to hook the interest of your reader.

Popular formats for ezine articles include how-to guides, tips for success or a basic overview of something. By choosing your topic and format right away, your writing process will go much more smoothly. Choose a Catchy Title If you want to entice readers to actually open and read your article, you will need to come up with a catchy title and opening sentence to grab their attention.

However, make sure your title also lets readers know what your article is about. This will help them determine whether your article will be worth their time to read. Some writers find this is the hardest step in the writing process. It might be easier to write the body of the article first and then come up with your attention-getting headline.

 Stay Objective You don't want your audience thinking your sole purpose is to sell them something, even if that is your primary goal. Instead, think about educating your readers about a subject that they are interested in. Provide accurate, objective information that will keep them reading. This establishes you as an expert in your field; someone they can trust when it comes time to spend their hard-earned cash. Then, you can hook them in with a link to your website at the end.

 Do Your Research Before determining the angle of your article, check the search engines to see how many articles have been written on the topic. If there are too many to count, try to come up with a unique angle on a popular topic that no one has thought of before. This will greatly increase the chance that someone will actually read your article instead of passing it up because it's more of the same.

 Edit your Work Your ezine articles will be much more likely to get published if you spend the time editing before you submit them. Use your spell check and reread your article to make sure it flows and makes sense. If you are not confident of your editing ability, ask a friend or spouse to proofread your writing for you.

 A well-written ezine article will go far in attracting new customers and building your business. With these tips, you are sure to produce an article that is effective and enjoyable.

 To learn more about Ezine Marketing, check out the free Ezine Marketing report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box.

You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.

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